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Hello Tripawds!

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well my baby isn’t a tall Labrador or a great Dane but he is just a small shitzu-toypoodle mix and as you know is a small dog. little did we know we were going to have a tripod baby I was sad at first he was my second fur baby I didn’t want to loose him too my first baby was stolen and well we spent several years till we decided to get another fur baby he was just 4 months when he was given to my eldest daughter. little did we now that he was going to be mangled by to bigger dogs and our doorstep when he just went outside for a bathroom break my mother took them out and suddenly we heard screaming and barking from my mothers black Labrador it was our neighbors dogs they were playing tug of war with him we suddenly didn’t hear anything he stopped crying we thought he was dead. my brother somehow got a hold of him he was not even bleeding but somehow he got up and was crying and my mom told me to clean him up and check him for any scratches that when I saw a huge hole in his arm I could not see bone I got scared and to him to the vet and during surgery they called me to tell me that he was going to need an amputation his front left leg was shattered and there was nothing they could do for him.

3 thoughts on “Hello Tripawds!”

  1. Welcome and thank you for sharing Bruce’s story. Your future blog posts and pages will publish immediately without requiring moderation.

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  2. Oh my goodness! This must have been so scary for you and your precious Bruce!!
    For whatever it’s worth, the amputation was a better choice than trying to “save the leg” with multiple surgeries. Almost always we see the end result is amputation. One surgery, one recovery.

    So tell us more about Bruce. How long ago was the surgery? How is he doing? Can we answer any questions?

    We would love to see pitures of your adorable tough little fella’.

    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

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